Saturday, June 4, 2011

Out of Office Reply

Don't you hate those out of office replies? Me too. I'm actually having such a time of it in Nairobi that I have too much information and thoughts, OCD-recorded into my journal(s), and little time to process them systematically, and in addition I'm working on some creative projects and collaborative things for the first time in my adult life (that are actually exciting!) In light of this, I will be putting a TEMPORARY pause on these blogs, and in any case I've been wanting to change the format into less personal, more 'academic/professional/thoroughly researched' writing, as that's what I like in other blogs. In any case, my friends, you can reach me at or skype: kevinteryek. I will be focusing on reading, writing, building up my Kiswahili and rapping around Nairobi (Get at me-Kevlexicon @twitter @facebook @youtube @your mom's).

One love,